PODC 2000 Instructions for Authors

A hardcopy of your paper and a copyright form must be sent to

James Anderson
Department of Computer Science
CB #3175, Sitterson Hall 356
The University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
(919) 962-1757

In addition, a postcript copy of your paper must be emailed to


All materials must arrrive by April 21, 2000. This is a firm deadline. 

Formatting | Copyrights | Regular Papers | Brief Announcements | Presenters

Formatting information (for both regular papers and brief announcements): Papers must be in English.

Please note: It is of particular importance that you leave sufficient space in the lower left corner of the first column on the first page for ACM to fill in the copyright information. Also, do not put any page numbers on your copy.

Please submit camera-ready copy (produced on a high-resolution output device) of your manuscript on 8 1/2" x 11" paper following the proceedings format below. Proceedings templates to create camera-ready copy are available in Word, WordPerfect, FrameMaker and LaTeX. These templates are located at http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html.

ACM Proceedings Specifications

Title: Centered 18 pt, Bold, Helvetica
Author, ACM Fellow: Centered 12 pt, Helvetica
Affiliation: Centered 10 pt, Helvetica
Email: Centered 12 pt, Helvetica
Abstract: Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman
Section (heading 1): Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman, numbered-ex: 1
Subsection (heading 2): Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman, numbered-ex 1.2
Subsubsection (heading 3): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, numbered-ex 1.2.3
Subsubsubsection (heading 4): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, numbered- ex
Subsubsubsubsection (heading 5): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, numbered-ex
Text: 2 column, justified, size of type 9 pt. space between lines 10 pt
Text Font: Times Roman
Column width: 3.33" (8.45 cm)
2 column gutter: .33"(.83 cm)
Top Margin: 1" (2.54 cm)
Right Margin: From edge .75" (1.9 cm)
Left Margin: From edge .75" (1.9 cm)
Bottom Margin: 1" (2.54 cm)
Copyright space on 1st page: lower left column 1.5" (3.81 cm)
Paragraph indentation: None, flush left, line space between paragraphs
Footnote/Citation: 9 pt, Times Roman
Bibliography/Reference: 10 pt. Use the standard CACM format for references, i.e., a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by first author, and referenced by number in brackets [2]. Reference number in brackets positioned as a negative indent.ext aligned .25" (.63 cm) in from margin. 
Subsequent pages: For pages other than the first, start at the top margin and continue in double-column format.
Tables/Figures/Images: Placed in text as close to reference as possible. May extend across both columns to a maximum width of 7" (17.78 cm).
Captions: 9 pt, bold, Times Roman, numbered (ex. "Table 1." or "Figure 2."), and centered beneath each table, figure or image.

Copyright information (for both regular papers and brief announcements): In addition to the copy of your paper, you must send me a signed ACM copyright form in hardcopy. ACM will not publish any paper that is not accompanied by a signed copyright form. In those cases where there is more than one author per paper, the first-named (assumed senior) author only must sign. You may retrieve the copyright form from

Regular papers:

Brief announcements:


If you have any problems or questions please contact anderson@cs.unc.edu.