PODC 2000 Registration

Registration Fees
(all in US dollars)

 Regular Registration 
(by June 16)
 Late Registration 
(after June 16)
ACM Members: $270 $370
Non-ACM Members: $350 $450
Students: $115 $155
Extra banquet tickets: $40
Additional proceedings: $25

Regular registration fees expired at 11:59pm PDT on June 16, 2000.

It is now too late to register online.  Please print out this page, fill it in, and bring to the conference to register there.

Registration Form

  1. Personal information (fields in red are required).
    1. Given name(s)
    2. Family name
    3. Full name as you want it on your name tag
    4. Affiliation you want on your name tag
    5. Postal address
    6. Phone
    7. FAX
    8. Email
  2. Level of registration:
    ACM member number (if "ACM Member" chosen):
  3. Attendee list.
    PODC 2000 plans to provide an address list of attendees at the conference.  Please check the following if appropriate:
    I prefer to be omitted from the attendee list.
  4. Meal Preference.
    The conference hotel can provide vegetarian meals for the banquet and the two PODC lunches. (Unfortunately, the hotel cannot provide Kosher meals.)  Please check the following if appropriate:
    I prefer vegetarian meals.
  5. Extra proceedings.
    You may purchase in advance extra proceedings. In addition, a limited number of past PODC proceedings are available. Each will cost US$25.  Please indicate below any that you would like to order:
    Proceedings from PODC 2000 (in addition to the one you get by registering for PODC 2000)
    Proceedings from PODC 99
    Proceedings from PODC 98
  6. Extra banquet tickets.
    You may purchase in additional banquet tickets at US$40 each. (Normal registration includes one banquet ticket; student registration does not.) Please indicate below whether you would like any:
    Addtional banquet ticket(s)
  7. Payment type: PODC accepts payment by checks (in US dollars drawn on US banks) or credit card (MasterCard or VISA only).

    Regardless of whether you pay via credit card or check, if you later seek a refund or change your registration level so as to decrease your registration fee, any refund or difference then owed to you, less US $50, will be paid via check drawn on a US bank.  There will be no refunds given after July 1, 2000.

This page maintained by Gil Neiger.

Last modified: June 2, 2000