Click here to get a postscript copy of the call for
Click here to get a PDF copy of the call for
Submission deadline: | February 3, 2002 |
Acceptance notification: | April 9, 2002 |
Camera-ready copy due: | April 29, 2002 |
Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau | U. Wisc. Madison |
Michael Dahlin | U. Texas Austin |
Shlomi Dolev | Ben-Gurion U. |
Alan Fekete | U. Sydney |
Ian Foster | Argonne & U. Chicago |
Eli Gafni | U. Calif. Los Angeles |
Michael Greenwald | U. Penn. |
Rachid Guerraoui | EPF Lausanne |
Prasad Jayanti | Dartmouth |
Idit Keidar | MIT & Technion |
Ajay Kshemkalyani | U. Illinois Chicago |
Keith Marzullo | U. Calif. San Diego, Chair |
Michael Mitzenmacher | Harvard |
Sergio Rajsbaum | Compaq & UNAM |
Michael Reiter | CMU |
Aleta Ricciardi | Valaran Corp. |
Alex Shvartsman | U. Connecticut |
Marvin Theimer | Microsoft Research |
Yi-Min Wang | Microsoft Research |
Roger Wattenhofer | ETH Zurich |
Jeannette Wing | CMU |
Elizabeth Borowsky | Boston Coll., Treasurer |
Rajeev Joshi | Compaq SRC, Local Arrangements Chair |
Hyunyoung Lee | U. Denver, Publicity Chair |
Keith Marzullo | U. Calif. San Diego, Program Chair |
Gil Neiger | Intel Labs, Webmaster |
Aleta Ricciardi | Valaran Corp., General Chair |
James Anderson | U. North Carolina |
Elizabeth Borowsky | Boston Coll. |
Keith Marzullo | U. Calif. San Diego |
Yoram Moses | Technion |
Gil Neiger | Intel Labs, Chair |
Aleta Ricciardi | Valaran Corp. |
Nir Shavit | Tel-Aviv U. & Sun Labs |
Electronic submissions are encouraged; information on how to to submit electronically are available at Authors unable to submit electronically should contact the program chair, Keith Marzullo, by email,, to receive instructions.
We are soliciting research contributions on the design, specification,
implementation, application and theory of distributed
systems. We are continuing to broaden the conference by actively
seeking papers reporting on the implementation, analysis,
evaluation, and deployment of real systems. We will favor work
that explores new territory or reflects on experience with practical applications
of the community's knowledge.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
All electronic submissions must be in postscript, and capable of being previewed by ghostview. The cover page should include
A submission for the REGULAR PRESENTATION format should be no longer than 4,500 words (10 pages on letter-size paper using at least 11-point font). Additional necessary details may be included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee.
A submission for the BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENT format should be no longer than three pages. Authors of accepted brief announcements will have the option of placing a full version of their work on the conference web site.
If requested by the authors, an extended abstract that is not selected for a regular presentation will also be considered for the brief announcement format. Such a request will not affect consideration of the paper for a regular presentation.
Extended abstracts deviating significantly from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their merits. Late papers will not be read or considered.
A prize will be given to the best student paper. A paper is eligible if at least one author is a full-time student at the time of submission. This must be noted on the cover page. The program committee may decline to make the award or split it.
This page is maintained by Gil Neiger (
Last modified April 26, 2002