Call for Posters

24th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPSSymposium on
Principles Of Distributed Computing

(PODC 2005)

July 17-20, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada,USA


In a continuing effort to provide a wide forum for work in areas related to principles of distributed computing, and following the good reception of the poster presentations last year, PODC will again feature poster presentations. Submissions for the poster presentation should report on interesting original results or ongoing work in the general area of distributed computing. Poster presentations will enable authors to receive early feedback on their work and exchange ideas.

Posters will be on display during a part of the conference. At specific times (called "poster sessions") one of the authors of an accepted poster submission is required to be present to answer questions about their posters. Poster presentations should consist of no more than the equivalent (in size) of 12 A4 pages. Poster presentation will not appear in the conference proceedings, however we intend to publish a technical report of the hosting university with up to 3 pages per poster.


In order to encourage quality submissions and presentations, the most popular poster award will be presented. The winner of the award will be chosen by vote of the conference attendees. Authors of the winning poster will receive a certificate to that effect.


All submissions must be done electronically in Postscript or PDF format and include

  1. contact person's name, phone, fax, email and complete postal mail address,
  2. title of poster presentation,
  3. names and affiliations of all authors

In addition, please indicate in boldface whether any author is a member of the program committee. Authors are encouraged to send 3 pages explaining the main aspect of their work. Posters will be judged based on their potential to generate interesting exchanges of ideas.

Instructions for electronic submissions will be published soon.


Submission deadline: February 28, 2005
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2005
Technical report version: June 7, 2005

For more information, please contact

Rida Bazzi
PODC 2005 Poster Chair


James Aspnes
PODC 2005 Program Chair

[PODC 2005 MainPage]

Last modified: Wed Jan 26 14:37:10 EST2005