PODC 2008





Hotel Information

All PODC talks will take place at the Bahen Centre, 40 St George Street on the campus of the University of Toronto. It is in downtown Toronto, which is very well-served by public transit.

The conference venue and the hotels listed below are shown on this map.

Please use this wiki page for posting practical information relevant for PODC 2008 attendees, such as room sharing, common travel arrangements, etc.

Conference Hotels

We have reserved blocks of rooms at the following nearby hotels. All prices are per night in Canadian dollars, excluding taxes.

Delta Chelsea Hotel
33 Gerrard Street West
toll-free +1-800-243-5732
There are three types of rooms available: Delta $119, Premier $129, Deluxe $149. (Prices are the same for single or double occupancy.) Reservations should be made before AUGUST 12, 2008 (extended).
Use Group name "PODC/CONCUR Conference"
This hotel is about a 15-minute walk from the Bahen Centre.

Holiday Inn Toronto Midtown
280 Bloor Street West
+1-416-968-0010 toll-free Holiday Inn central reservations: +1-800-HOLIDAY
Single $125, double $135.
Reservations should be made by JULY 17, 2008.
Rooms for both PODC and CONCUR attendees were blocked using group code CON and event name CONCUR 08.
This hotel is about a 10-minute walk from the Bahen Centre.

89 Chestnut Residence
89 Chestnut Street
+1-416-977-0707, extension 0
Single $94, double $99 (including breakfast).
Reservations should be made early since availability is limited.
To reserve online at their website, click on Reservations and enter the approval code PODC under the corporate customer log in.
This hotel is about a 20-minute walk from the Bahen Centre.

Alternative Accommodations

Best Western Primrose Hotel
111 Carlton Street (20-minute walk, or take Carlton streetcar).

Marriott Courtyard Toronto Downtown
475 Yonge Street (15-minute walk, or take Carlton streetcar).

Sutton Place Hotel Toronto
955 Bay Street (15-minute walk)

Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville
220 Bloor Street West (15-minute walk)

Ramada Plaza Toronto
300 Jarvis Street (20-minute walk or take Carlton streetcar).

108 Chestnut Street (20-minute walk)

Days Hotel Toronto Downtown
30 Carlton St (20 minute walk or take Carlton streetcar)

There are also some on-campus housing options in student residences (with limited availability):

New College Summer Residences: dormitory-style accommodations a 5-minute walk from the Bahen Centre. Single room $40 per night, double room $60 per night. (Slightly cheaper for students.)

University College Summer Housing dormitory-style accommodations a 5-minute walk from the Bahen Centre. Single room in Morrison Hall for $190 per week. You must be a student or staff member of a university to stay here.

Trinity College Summer Accommodation dormitory-style accommodations a 10-minute walk from the Bahen Centre. Single $43 per night, double $65 per night. (Slightly cheaper for students.)

Tartu College student housing about a 10- or 15- minute walk from the conference venue. $50/day or $200/week.

Knox College dormitory-style accommodations about a 5-minute walk from the Bahen Centre. Single $55 per night, double $80 per night. (Slightly cheaper for students, weekly rates also available.)

Neill Wycik Summer Hotel 25-minute walk from the Bahen Centre.

St Vladimir Institute 5-minute walk from the Bahen Centre.

Additional resources

The Fields Institute (which is next door to the Bahen Centre) maintains a useful list of nearby accommodations. See this link.

The University of Toronto also has a temporary accommodation list of locations near campus.

Students might also want to check this link.