Deadline: July 16, 2008
PODC 2008, along with SIGOPS and SIGACT and ACM, would like to encourage student participation at the symposium. We will partially reimburse the travel costs of deserving graduate student registrants who might otherwise be unable to attend the conference.
Eligibility Requirements
You are eligible to apply if you are either:
- a graduate student at the time of attending PODC 2008, or
- both an undergraduate student and a coauthor of a PODC 2008 paper. We will partially reimburse travel, accommodation, and registration costs based on need. The selection process may give preference to students presenting their published paper at PODC, but in need of supplemental funds for travel. All eligible applications will be considered. The number and amount of awards will be determined based on our budget and the applications received.
Application Materials
Email your application with the subject "PODC 2008 Student Travel Grant Application" to both the Awards Chair Chair Indranil Gupta (indy at cs dot uiuc dot edu) and General Chair Rida Bazzi (bazzi at asu dot edu). In addition, please ask your advisor to send a short letter of recommendation to the above email addresses with the subject line "PODC 2008 Student Travel Grant - Recommendation" (The advisor should clarify the nature and amount of any other sources of funding that are available or have been applied for).
Please note that both these emails must be received by the deadline (see below) in order for your application to be considered.
Your application should include the following:- Name
- Affiliation
- Address
- Expected Expenses (broken down as registration, travel, and lodging)
- Type of student (PhD, MS, undergraduate, etc.)
- Number of years you have been a student in your current program, and expected date of completion
- Name and email address of advisor
- Title and Authors of paper presenting at PODC 2008 conference and/or workshop (if applicable)
- A short paragraph (maximum 150 words) describing briefly why you want to attend PODC 2008 (e.g., to present a paper), and why you need the student travel grant. (Ascii/text attachment ok also for this paragraph)
Your advisor's email should contain the recommendation letter (attachments ok).
Deadlines and Dates
Application Due July 16, 2008.
Award Decisions made around July 27, 2008.
ACM requires winners to provide taxpayer information (e.g., SSNs for those in the US). Winners will receive a request for this information.