PODC '96 agenda and technical program
Long Presentations
Counting Networks are Practically linearizable
Nancy Lynch,
Nir Shavit,
Alex Shvartsman
and Dan Touitou.
Refining Knowledge Oriented Actions to Layered Implementations
Wil Janssen
The Power of Multi-objects
Yehuda Afek, Michael Merritt, and Gadi Taubenfeld
Fault-Containing Self-Stabilizing Algorithms
Sukumar Ghosh, Arobinda Gupta, Ted Herman, and Sriram V. Pemmaraju
Real-Time Object Sharing with Minimal System Support
Srikanth Ramamurthy,
Mark Moir,
and James H. Anderson
A Randomized Byzantine Agreement Protocol with Constant Expected Time and Guaranteed Termination in Optimal (Deterministic) Time
Arkady Zamsky
Spreading rumors rapidly despite an adversary
James Aspnes
and Will Hurwood
Synthesis of Concurrent Systems for an Atomic Read Atomic Write Model of Computation
Paul Attie and Allen Emerson
Fail-Awareness in Timed Asynchronous Systems
Christof Fetzer
and Flaviu Cristian
Memory Requirements for Silent Stabilization
Shlomi Dolev, Mohamed G. Gouda, and Marco Schneider
Memory Requirement for Routing in Distributed Networks
Cyril Gavoille
and Stephane Perennes
A New Look at Membership Services
Gil Neiger
Universal Operations: Unary versus Binary
Hagit Attiya
and Eyal Dagan
Efficient Message Ordering in Dynamic Networks
Idit Keidar
and Danny Dolev
Optimal Routing Tables
Harry Buhrman,
Jaap-Henk Hoepman
and Paul M. B. Vitanyi
Crash failures can drive Protocols to Arbitrary States
Mahesh Jayaram
and George Varghese
Strong-Feasibilities of Equivalence-Completions
Yuh-Jzer Joung
Automated logical verification based on trace abstractions
Nils Klarlund, Mogens Nielsen, and Kim Sunesen
Randomness in Private Computations
Eyal Kushilevitz and Yishay Mansour
Trade-Offs in Implementing Optimal Message Logging Protocols
Lorenzo Alvisi
and Keith Marzullo
How to be an Efficient Snoop, or the Probe Complexity of Quorum Systems
David Peleg
and Avishai Wool
Time and Space Lower Bounds for Non-Blocking Implementations
Prasad Jayanti,
King Tan,
and Sam Toueg
An efficient recovery-based spin lock protocol for preemptive shared memo
Injong Rhee and Chi-Yung Lee
Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms
Maged Michael
and Michael Scott
Distributed Pseudo-Random Bit Generators: A New Way to Speed-Up Shared Coin Tossing
Mihir Bellare, Juan Garay, and Tal Rabin
Polylog Randomized Wait-Free Consensus
Tushar Deepak Chandra
On the Impossibility of Group Membership
Tushar Deepak Chandra,
Vassos Hadzilacos,
Sam Toueg,
and Bernadette Charron-Bost.
Self-Stabilization by Window Washing
Adam Costello
and George Varghese
Eventually-Serializable Data Services
Alan Fekete, David Gupta, Victor Luchangco,
Nancy Lynch,
and Alex Shvartsman
Brief Announcements
An Optimal Algorithm for Generalized Causal Message Ordering
Ajay Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal
Perfect Failure Detectors and (Repeated) Reliable Broadcast
Aleta Ricciardi
Tight bounds on the cumulative profit of distributed voters
P. Auer, P. Caianiello and Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi
The Offset Problem
Lenore Cowen and Rudolph Mathar
Constructing a reliable test&set bit (Extended abstract)
Frank Stomp and Gadi Taubenfeld
Testing Concurrent Data Structures
John L. Bruno, Phillip B. Gibbons, and Steven Phillips
About State Recording in Asynchronous Computations
Roberto Baldoni, Jean-Michel Helary, and Michel Raynal
On the Decidability of Distributed Decision Tasks
Maurice Herlihy and Sergio Rajsbaum
Randomized adaptive video on demand
C. Bouras, V. Kapoulas, T. Pantziou, and P. Spirakis
Efficient Token-based Control in Rings
Esteban Feuerstein, Stefano Leonardi, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela and Nicola Santoro
Fast, Long-Lived Renaming Improved and Simplified
Mark Moir
and Juan A. Garay
Characterization of Message Ordering Specifications and Protocols
V. V. Murty and V. K. Garg
The Complexity of Data Mining on the Web
Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, Andrzej Pelc,
and David Peleg
On the Borowsky-Gafni Simulation Algorithm
Nancy Lynch and Sergio Rajsbaum
From Serializable to Causal Transactions for Collaborative Applications
M. Raynal, G. Thiakime and M. Ahamad
Early-Stopping Terminating Reliable Broadcast Protocol for General Omission Failures
Marcel-Catalin Rosu
Collective Consistency
Cynthia Dwork, Ching-Tien Ho, and Ray Strong
Synthesis of Distributed Concurrent Systems
Evelyn Tumlin Pierce
Message and Time Efficient Distributed Algorithms for Sparse k-connectivity Certificates
Esther Jennings and Lenka Matyckova
Efficient Delta-Causal Broadcasting of Multimedia Applications
Roberto Baldon, Ravi Prakash, Michel Raynal, and Mukesh Singhal
A Proof of a Theorem in Algebraic Topology by a Distributed Algorithm
Eli Gafni
Crash Failures vs Crash + Link Failures
Anindya Basu,
Bernadette Charron-Bost,
and Sam Toueg
A Framework for Partitionable Membership Service
Danny Dolev,
Dalia Malki,
and Ray Strong
Efficient Traffic Laws for Mobile Robots
S. Preminger, E. Upfal
Simulation as an Iterated Task
Eli Gafni
Asynchrony versus Bulk-Synchrony in QRQW PRAM models
Phillip B. Gibbons, Yossi Matias, and Vijaya Ramachandran
Comparing Primary-Backup and Statem Machines for Crash Failure
Jeremy B. Sussman
and Keith Marzullo
The Strength of Counting Networks
Costas Busch and Marios Mavronicolas
Wait-Free Solvability via Combinatorial Topology
Marios Mavronicolas
Minimizing Access Costs in Replicated Distributed Syste
Michael Goldweber and Donald Johnson
What Critical Algebraic Property Allows Operations of Concurrent Abstract Data Types to be Fast?
Martha J. Kosa
I/O automata Based Verification of Finite State Distributed Systems; Complexity Issues
Sandeep K. Shukla, Harry B. Hunt III, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, S. S. Ravi, and R. E. Stearns
Space Bounds for Transactional Synchronization
John Valois
Space-efficient construction of buffer-optimal 1-writer 1-reader multivalued atomic variable
S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar
The Role of Data-Race-Free Programs in Recoverable DSM
Soma Chaudhuri,
Sundar Kanthadai, and Jennifer Welch
Evaluating Quorum Systems Over the Internet
Yair Amir
and Avishai Wool
Baked Potatoes: Deadlock Prevention Via Scheduling
Shlomi Dolev, Evangelos Kranakis, and Danny Krizanc
Witness-based cryptographic program checking and robust function sharing (announcement)
Y. Frankel, P. Gemmel, and M. Yung
On the Convergence Complexity of Optimistic Rate Based Flow Control Algorithms
Yehuda Afek,
Yishay Mansour,
and Zvi Ostfeld
Using Event Structure for the efficient analysis of states graphs
Dominique Ambroise and Brigitte Rozoy
Maintained by tushar@watson.ibm.com
Last changed on 24th Feb 1996