Sixteenth ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC '97)

Aug 21-24 1997, Santa Barbara, California

PODC is a conference that focuses on research in the theory, design, specification or implementation of distributed systems. PODC is sponsored by SIGACT and SIGOPS.

Important dates

Jan 24, 1997: Paper submission deadline. As before, we encourage authors to submit papers electronically to PODC
Apr 20, 1997: Acceptance/rejection notifications
May 23, 1997: Camera-ready versions of accepted papers due.
Aug 21-24, 1997: Conference dates. PODC '97 will be held just before WSS and just after Crypto.

On going to PODC97 ...

Major changes from previous PODCs

Best student paper award

This year, two papers shared the best student paper award:

Further information

This page is maintained by Gil Neiger (