PODC 2000: Accepted Regular Papers

Debugging Distributed Programs Using Controlled Re-execution Neeraj Mittal, Vijay K. Garg
Efficient Atomic Broadcast Using Deterministic Merge Marcos Kawazoe Aguilera and Robert E. Strom
Efficient generation of All Regular Non-Dominated Coteries Kazuhisa Makino and Tiko Kameda
Interval Routing Schemes allow Broadcasting with Linear Message-Complexity P. Fraigniaud, C. Gavoille and B. Mans
Assigning labels in unknown anonymous networks P. Fraigniaud, A. Pelc, D. Peleg, S. Perennes
On the Interconnection of Causal Memory Systems Antonio Fernandez Ernesto Jimenez Vicente Cholvi
Indulgent Algorithms Rachid Guerraoui
Garbage Collection of Timestamped Data in Stampede Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Umakishore Ramachandran
The Wakeup Problem in Synchronous Broadcast Systems Leszek Gasieniec, Andrzej Pelc and David Peleg
Adaptive and Efficient Mutual Exclusion Hagit Attiya and Vita Bortnikov
Optimal Smoothing Schedules for Real-Time Streams Mansour, Patt-Shamir and Lapid
Fast Deterministic Consensus in a Noisy Environment James Aspnes
Stability of Long-lived Consensus Shlomi Dolev and Sergio Rajsbaum
Random Oracles in Constantinople: Practical Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement using Cryptography Christian Cachin Klaus Kursawe Victor Shoup
Laziness Pays! Using Lazy Synchronization Mechanisms to Improve Non-Blocking Constructions Mark Moir
Achieving Scalability and Expressiveness in an Internet-Scale Event Notification Service Antonio Carzaniga, David S. Rosenblum, Alexander L. Wolf
Average-Case Analysis of Greedy Packet Scheduling Zvi Lotker & Boaz Patt-Shamir
Sparse Communication Networks and Efficient Routing in the Plane Yehuda Hassin and David Peleg
k-Set Agreement with Limited Accuracy Failure Detectors Achour MOSTEFAOUI, Michel RAYNAL
P2 - a Generic Proxy Platform for Wireless Access and Mobility in CORBA Michael Knapp, Rainer Ruggaber, Jochen Seitz
Long-Lived and Adaptive Atomic Snap-Shot and Immediate Snapshot Yehuda Afek, Gideon Stupp, and Dan Touitou
Self-Stabilizing token circulation on an asynchronous ring Laurent Rosaz
High Performance Adaptive Middleware for CORBA-Based Systems E-Kai Shen, Shikharesh Majumdar, Istabrak Abdul-Fatah
Compact Roundtrip Routing in Directed Networks Lenore Cowen and Christopher Wagner
Toward a Theory of Maximally Concurrent Programs RAJEEV JOSHI and JAYADEV MISRA
Distributed Chain-To-Chain Reconfiguration of Metamorphic Robots Jennifer E. Walter, Jennifer L. Welch, Nancy M. Amato
Bounds on the shared memory requirements for Long-Lived \& Adaptive objects Yehuda Afek Pazi Boxer Dan Touitou
Clock Synchronization with Faults and Recoveries Boaz Barak, Shai Halevi, Amir Herzberg and Dalit Naor
1/k Phase Stamping for Continuous Shared Data Sumeer Bhola and Mustaque Ahamad
X-Ability: A Theory of Replication Svend Frolund and Rachid Guerraoui
Stable and Fault-Tolerant Object Replication Gregory Johnson and Ambuj Singh
Resettable Vector Clocks Anish Arora, Sandeep Kulkarni, and Murat Demirbas

PODC 2000: Accepted Brief Announcements

A Verification Technique for Self-Stabilizing Algorithms based on Ljapunov's ``Second Method'' Oliver Theel
Time and Message-Efficient S-Based Consensus Fabiola GREVE, Michel HURFIN, Raimundo MACEDO, Michel RAYNAL
Self-stabilization: beyond the token circulation Augusto Ciuffoletti
Optimal Implementation of the Weakest Failure Detector for Solving Consensus Mikel Larrea Antonio Fernández Sergio Arévalo
Memory Consistency and Process Coordination for SPARC v8 Multiprocessors Jalal Kawash and Lisa Higham
Deterministic Distributed Resource Discovery Shay Kutten and David Peleg
Compact Routing with Stretch Factor of Less Than Three Kazuo Iwama and Akinori Kawachi
Specification, Implementation and Application of Randomized Regular Registers Hyunyoung Lee and Jennifer L. Welch
Distributed Cooperation in the Absence of Communication Greg Malewicz and Alexander Russell and Alex Shvartsman
Average Probe Complexity of Non-dominated Coteries Tiko Kameda, Feng Xiao, Malika Guerni-Mahoui
Fast Protocol Transition in A Distributed Environment Xiaoming Liu, Robbert van Renesse