Call for Papers

Security in Distributed Computing

Special Track of

Twenty-Second Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on 

Sunday July 13 - Wednesday July 16, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts

Security and Distributed Computing are highly related. The goal of the Security in Distributed Computing special track of PODC is to increase cooperation and interactions between the distributed computing community and the security and cryptography communities, and to provide a forum for original research related to security in distributed computing and systems. In addition to regular presentations and brief announcements, we will have three stimulating key note lectures reviewing important, challenging and controversial issues in security and distributed computing, by:

The special track is an integral part of PODC; see for additional information. We solicit two kinds of submissions:


Submission deadline: January 31, 2003  February 6, 2003
Acceptance notification: April 2, 2003
Camera-ready copy due:  April 22, 2003

SCOPE of the Security Track:

We are soliciting research contributions on the design, specification, implementation, application and theory of secure distributed
computing.  We welcome submissions on any topic in the intersection of security and distributed computing,including but not limited to:


Marcos Aguilera HP Labs
Lorenzo Alvisi U. Texas Austin
James Aspnes Yale
Cynthia Dwork Microsoft
Juan Garay Bell Labs
Vassos Hadzilacos U. of Toronto, Canada
Amir Herzberg Bar-Ilan U., Security Track Chair
Gene Itkis Boston U.
Markus Jakobsson RSA
Miroslaw Kutylowski Wroclaw U. & Signet, Poland 
Dahlia Malkhi Hebrew U., Israel
Boaz Patt-Shamir Tel-Aviv U., Israel
Erez Petrank Technion, Israel
Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern U.
Sergio Rajsbaum UNAM, Chair
Antony Rowstron Microsoft, Cambridge, UK
Roberto Segala U. Verona, Italy
Amin M. Vahdat Duke U.


Electronic submissions are encouraged: Authors unable to submit electronically should contact the program chair, Sergio Rajsbaum, by email,, to receive instructions.


All electronic submissions must be in postscript or PDF format, and capable of being previewed by ghostview (see hints on creating them by Amir Herzberg). The cover page should include

  1. title,
  2. authors and affiliation,
  3. postal and e-mail address of the contact author,
  4. a brief abstract describing the work, and
  5. at the bottom of the brief abstract, in boldface, an indication of non-student or student status, and
  6. an indication if this is a regular presentation or brief announcement.
It is recommended that each submission begin with a succinct statement of the problem, summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their significance, all suitable for a non-specialist.  Technical development of the work, directed to the specialist, should follow.

A submission for the REGULAR PRESENTATION format should be no longer than 4,500 words (10 pages on letter-size paper using at least 11-point font).  Additional necessary details may be included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

A submission for the BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENT format should be no longer than 3 pages on letter-size paper using at least 11-point font.  Authors of accepted brief announcements will have the option of placing a link to a full version of their work on the conference web site.

If requested by the authors, a submission that is not selected for a regular presentation will also be considered for the brief announcement format.  Such a request will not affect consideration of the paper for a regular presentation.

Submissions deviating significantly from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their merits.  Late papers will not be read or considered.


A prize will be given to the best student paper.  A paper is eligible if at least one author is a full-time student at the time of submission.  This must be noted on the cover page.  The program committee may decline to make the award or split it. 
This page is maintained by Gil Neiger
Last modified February 24, 2003