SESSION: Keynote Lecture 1
New Opportunities for PODC?: Massive, Volatile, but Highly Predictable Resources
SESSION: Session 1
A Distributed (2+ε)-Approximation for Vertex Cover in O(logδ/ε log log δ) Rounds
The Greedy Spanner is Existentially Optimal
MST in Log-Star Rounds of Congested Clique
Distributed Algorithms for Planar Networks I: Planar Embedding
Brief Announcement: Labeling Schemes for Power-Law Graphs
Brief Announcement: Sublinear-Space Distance Labeling Using Hubs
Brief Announcement: Optimal Leader Election in Multi-Hop Radio Networks
Brief Announcement: The Small World of Curious Beings
SESSION: Session 2
Recoverable Mutual Exclusion: [Extended Abstract]
A Randomized Concurrent Algorithm for Disjoint Set Union
Self-stabilizing Balls & Bins in Batches: The Power of Leaky Bins [Extended Abstract]
Brief Announcement: Local Independent Set Approximation
SESSION: Session 3
Deterministic Objects: Life Beyond Consensus
Unbeatable Set Consensus via Topological and Combinatorial Reasoning
A Polylogarithmic Gossip Algorithm for Plurality Consensus
Noisy Rumor Spreading and Plurality Consensus
Rational Consensus: Extended Abstract
Brief Announcement: A Tight Space Bound for Consensus
SESSION: Keynote Lecture 2
SESSION: Session 4
Contention Resolution on a Fading Channel
Reliable Communication over Highly Connected Noisy Networks
Contention Resolution on Multiple Channels with Collision Detection
How Asynchrony Affects Rumor Spreading Time
Brief Announcement: Data Dissemination in Unified Dynamic Wireless Networks
Brief Announcement: Reliable Message Transmission under Partial Knowledge and General Adversaries
Brief Announcement: Self-stabilizing Clock Synchronization with 3-bit Messages
SESSION: Session 5
Distributed Strong Diameter Network Decomposition: Extended Abstract
Optimal Dynamic Distributed MIS
A Local Constant Factor MDS Approximation for Bounded Genus Graphs
On Efficient Distributed Construction of Near Optimal Routing Schemes: Extended Abstract
Brief Announcement: Deterministic Graph Connectivity in the Broadcast Congested Clique
SESSION: Session 6
Space Bounds for Reliable Storage: Fundamental Limits of Coding
Specification and Complexity of Collaborative Text Editing
Optimal Mobile Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Storage: Extended Abstract
A Markov Chain Algorithm for Compression in Self-Organizing Particle Systems
A Complexity-Based Hierarchy for Multiprocessor Synchronization: [Extended Abstract]
Brief Announcement: Asynchronous Coordination with Constraints and Preferences
SESSION: Keynote Lecture 3
How Emerging Memory Technologies Will Have You Rethinking Algorithm Design
SESSION: Session 7
Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds on the Storage Cost of Shared Memory Emulation
On the Complexity of Reader-Writer Locks: Extended Abstract
An Algorithm for Replicated Objects with Efficient Reads
Are Shared Objects Composable under an Oblivious Adversary?
Brief Announcement: A Family of Leaderless Generalized-Consensus Algorithms
Brief Announcement: Computing in the Presence of Weak Crash Failures
Brief Announcement: Oh-RAM! One and a Half Round Read/Write Atomic Memory
Brief Announcement: Space-Time Tradeoffs for Distributed Verification
SESSION: Session 8
A Faster Distributed Radio Broadcast Primitive: Extended Abstract
Broadcast Extensions with Optimal Communication and Round Complexity
Two-Bit Messages are Sufficient to Implement Atomic Read/Write Registers in Crash-prone Systems
How Proofs are Prepared at Camelot: Extended Abstract
Brief Announcement: Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority
SESSION: Session 9
Search on a Line with Faulty Robots
Uniform Deployment of Mobile Agents in Asynchronous Rings
Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Optimization: Optimal Iterative Distributed Algorithms
Brief Announcement: Active Information Spread in Networks
Brief Announcement: Certified Universal Gathering in R2 for Oblivious Mobile Robots
Brief Announcement: Probabilistic Asynchronous Arbitrary Pattern Formation
SESSION: Session 10
Low-Congestion Shortcuts without Embedding
The Coalescing-Branching Random Walk on Expanders and the Dual Epidemic Process
Ant-Inspired Density Estimation via Random Walks: Extended Abstract
Brief Announcement: Multi-Broadcasting under the SINR Model
Brief Announcement: Using Read-k Inequalities to Analyze a Distributed MIS Algorithm
Brief Announcement: A Key-Value Map for Massive Real-Time Analytics