PODC 2017
Washington, DC
July 25-27, 2017
PODC 2017 and SPAA 2017 were be held together in Washington, DC. The dates for PODC were July 25-27 and the dates for SPAA were July 24-26.
See the program and proceedings for PODC 2017.
Awards at PODC 2017:
- The 2017 Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing was awarded to Elizabeth Borowsky and Eli Gafni for “Generalized FLP impossibility result for t-resilient asynchronous computations.”
- The 2017 Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award was awarded to “Improved Distributed Algorithms for Fundamental Graph Problems” by Dr. Mohsen Ghaffari supervised by Professor Nancy Lynch at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- The best paper award went to Michael Elkin for the paper “A Simple Deterministic Distributed MST Algorithm, with Near-Optimal Time and Message Complexities.”
- The best student paper award went to Artur Czumaj and Peter Davies fpr the paper “Exploiting Spontaneous Transmissions for Broadcasting and Leader Election in Radio Networks.”
- We held the David Peleg Celebration to celebrate the work of David Peleg.
Invited speakers at PODC 2017 included
- Guy Blelloch, CMU
- Rosario Gennaro, CUNY
- Maurice Herlihy, Brown University (slides)
- Follow PODC on Twitter @podc_conference.
The ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, is an international forum on the theory, design, analysis, implementation and application of distributed systems and networks. We solicit papers in all areas of distributed computing. Papers from all viewpoints, including theory, practice, and experimentation, are welcome. The common goal of the conference is to improve understanding of the principles underlying distributed computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- distributed algorithms: design, analysis, and complexity
- communication networks: algorithms, protocols, applications
- multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms
- shared and transactional memory, concurrency, synchronization
- fault-tolerance, reliability, self-organization, self-stabilization
- Internet applications, social networks, recommendation systems
- dynamic, adaptive and machine learning distributed algorithms
- distributed operating systems, middleware, databases
- biological distributed algorithms
- game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks
- high-performance, cluster, cloud and grid computing
- wireless networks, mobile computing, autonomous agents
- context-aware distributed systems
- security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols
- quantum and optics based distributed algorithms
- sensor, mesh, and ad hoc networks
- specification, semantics, verification of concurrent systems