
The registration site is open.

The registration process is handled by the ACM FCRC. Detailed information about registration fees or refunding policies is available on the ACM FCRC 2023 website. If you have registration questions you can contact or call US – 800.258.6094 // International – 303.527.2966.

PODC 2023 participants must adhere to ACM’s Policy Against Harassment at ACM Activities (more details on the code of conduct).

At least one author of each full paper must register for a non-student package “PODC only” or “PODC + Workshops/Tutorials” (green entries in the table). At least one author of each Brief Announcement must also register for one of these two packages, but student-registration is allowed if the author presenting the Brief Announcement is a student (orange entries in the table).

Note: all prices shown below are in United States Dollars (USD $).

Package Early (on or before May 18th) Late (on or after May 19th)
ACM/SIG Members Non-ACM/SIG Members ACM/SIG Members Non-ACM/SIG Members
Regular Student Regular Student Regular Student Regular Student
PODC only 600$ 450$ 700$ 500$ 850$ 650$ 900$ 700$
PODC + Workshops/Tutorials 850$ 650$ 950$ 700$ 1050$ 850$ 1150$ 900$
Workshop/Tutorial Monday only (June 19th) 250$ 350$
Workshop/Tutorial Friday only (June 23rd) 250$ 350$