Visa Information

Please check if you need a visa to enter Switzerland/Schengen countries.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) does not issue formal invitation letters for visas but it issues a visa support letter. In order to request a letter, you must email the following information to at ACM:
1. Your name and mailing address as they appear on your passport.
2. The name of the conference you are attending (ACM PODC 2010).
3. Your registration confirmation number.
4. If you are an author of an accepted paper (full paper or brief announcement) at PODC 2010, provide the title of your paper.
5. A fax number to fax you the support letter, and a mailing address.

Please send your requests for visa support letters 6-8 weeks prior to travel plans.

International registrants should be particularly aware and careful about visa requirements, and should plan travel well in advance. All visa inquiries must be handled by ACM HQ.