PODC '95 agenda and technical program
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a postscript copy of the technical program, along with registration information, and
information about how to get to PODC.
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Sunday, August 20
3:00-5:00 pm - Pre-conference Presentation (MACDONALD ROOM)
Results by Algorithmic Reasoning
Eli Gafni (UCLA)
7:00-10:00 pm - Reception (BANQUET ROOM)
Monday, August 21
9:00 am - Invited Lecture (DRAWING ROOM)
Fundamental challenges in mobile computing
Mahadev Satyanarayanan (CMU)
10:00 am - Break
Session L1. Chair: Yoram Moses (DRAWING ROOM)
12:00 - Lunch (on your own)
Session B1. Chair: Yehuda Afek (DRAWING ROOM)
2:00 A modular measure of competitiveness for distributed algorithms
James Aspnes (Yale) and
Orli Waarts (Berkeley)
2:10 Randomized competitive algorithms for admission control in general networks
Vaggelis Kapoulas and Paul Spirakis (Computer Technology Institute at Patras)
2:20 Log-space polynomial end-to-end communication
Eyal Kushilevitz (Technion), Rafail Ostrovsky (Berkeley) and Adi Ros\'en (Tel Aviv University)
2:30 SuperStabilizing protocols for dynamic distributed systems
Shlomi Dolev (Texas A&M University) and
Ted Herman (University of Iowa)
2:40 Self-stabilizing clock synchronization in the presence of Byzantine faults
Shlomi Dolev and Jennifer Welch (Texas A&M University)
Securing the internet
Pau-Chen Cheng, Juan A Garay, Amir Herzberg and Hugo Krawczyk (IBM Watson)
3:00 The RAPID C++ environment
M. Abayan (MIT), R. Strong (IBM Almaden) and E. Wimmers (IBM Almaden)
3:10 Architecture decisions for wide-area applications
Michael Ogg and
Aleta Ricciardi
(University of Texas at Austin)
3:20 A sequencing service for group communication
Tim Kindberg (University of London)
3:30 - Coffee Break
Session L2. Chair: Tushar Chandra (DRAWING ROOM)
6:00 - Banquet (RENAISSANCE ROOM)
Tuesday, August 22
Session L3. Chair: Soma Chaudhuri (DRAWING ROOM)
10:15 - Coffee Break
Session L4. Chair: Hagit Attiya (DRAWING ROOM)
12:00 - Conference Luncheon (CANADIAN ROOM)
Session B2. Chair: Joseph Halpern (DRAWING ROOM)
3:00 - Coffee Break
Session L5. Chair: Gadi Taubenfeld (DRAWING ROOM)
8:00 - Business Meeting and Rump Session: (MACDONALD ROOM)
Wednesday, August 23
9:00 Invited Lecture (DRAWING ROOM)
Atomicity and electronic commerce
Doug Tygar (CMU)
10:00 - Coffee Break
Session L6. Chair: Prasad Jayanti (DRAWING ROOM)
12:00 - Lunch (on your own)
2:00 Lazy-writer multivalued registers
Martha J. Kosa (Tennessee Technological University)
2:10 3-processor tasks are undecidable
Eli Gafni and Elias Koutsoupias (UCLA)
2:20 Using Lock-Free Objects in Hard Real-Time Applications
James Anderson and
Srikanth Ramamurthy (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
2:30 Complete implementations for shared memory consistency conditions
Jerry James and Ambuj Singh (University of California at Santa Barbara)
2:40 Load balancing networks
Sarantos Kapidakis (University of Crete) and Marios Mavronicolas (University of Cyprus)
2:50 A logarithmic depth counting network
Costas Busch (University of Crete) and Marios Mavronicolas (University of Cyprus)
3:00 - Coffee Break
Session L7. Chair: Amir Herzberg (DRAWING ROOM)
4:35 - Closing of the conference
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Last changed on 17th August 1995