PODC '95 agenda and technical program

Click here to download a postscript copy of the technical program, along with registration information, and information about how to get to PODC.

Please let me know, if you notice any errors or omissions, or if the link to your PODC paper is incorrect or missing.

Sunday, August 20

3:00-5:00 pm - Pre-conference Presentation (MACDONALD ROOM)

7:00-10:00 pm - Reception (BANQUET ROOM)

Monday, August 21

9:00 am - Invited Lecture (DRAWING ROOM)

10:00 am - Break

Session L1. Chair: Yoram Moses (DRAWING ROOM)

12:00 - Lunch (on your own)

Session B1. Chair: Yehuda Afek (DRAWING ROOM)

3:30 - Coffee Break

Session L2. Chair: Tushar Chandra (DRAWING ROOM)

6:00 - Banquet (RENAISSANCE ROOM)

Tuesday, August 22

Session L3. Chair: Soma Chaudhuri (DRAWING ROOM)

10:15 - Coffee Break

Session L4. Chair: Hagit Attiya (DRAWING ROOM)

12:00 - Conference Luncheon (CANADIAN ROOM)

Session B2. Chair: Joseph Halpern (DRAWING ROOM)

3:00 - Coffee Break

Session L5. Chair: Gadi Taubenfeld (DRAWING ROOM)

8:00 - Business Meeting and Rump Session: (MACDONALD ROOM)

Wednesday, August 23

9:00 Invited Lecture (DRAWING ROOM)

10:00 - Coffee Break

Session L6. Chair: Prasad Jayanti (DRAWING ROOM)

12:00 - Lunch (on your own)

Session B3. Chair: Vassos Hadzilacos (DRAWING ROOM)

3:00 - Coffee Break

Session L7. Chair: Amir Herzberg (DRAWING ROOM)

4:35 - Closing of the conference

Maintained by tushar@watson.ibm.com
Last changed on 17th August 1995