Monday, July 25, 2016 (16:30 – 18:00)
Room 209 CLC
On the occasion of Faith Ellen’s 60th birthday, the PODC community will celebrate her contributions to the field of distributed computation with a series of talks on her work and its impact on the field.
Valerie King
Faith Ellen Tackles the PRAM
In the mid to late 1980’s, Faith, together with Prabhakar Ragde, Avi Wigderson, and others, defined a variety of PRAM models and distinguished their power as a function of the number of processors, shared memory cells and (synchronous) rounds. Central to this were Faith’s new lower bound techniques. We’ll take a brief look at some of the ideas behind them.
Philipp Woelfel
Renaming with Faith
In this talk I will talk about optimal renaming and Fetch-and-Increment implementations, and how they happened.
Mark Moir
When Theoretical Practitioners Meet Practical Theoreticians
If you’re reading this abstract, it may mean you’re curious to know what this talk will be about. Me too. It would be a gross overstatement to call myself a practitioner, especially during the times I’ve worked most with Faith. Theoretically I could be a practitioner, though, so I’ll call myself a “theoretical practitioner”. But I think it’s not such a stretch to call Faith a “practical theoretician”, so I may make some points along those lines.