This page contains information about the PODC mailing list. You can send mail to the list using the email address “” ( no longer works). To subscribe to the list, send a message to “” with “subscribe PODC” in the body (not subject). To unsubscribe to the list, send a message to “” with “signoff PODC” in the body (not subject). Note that subscribing and unsubscribing no longer works via “”.
PODC refers to the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. The purpose of this mailing list to provide a forum for announcements of interest to those who attend PODC as well as for the discussion of non-technical topics of interest to the group, such as siting of the conference.
The PODC list is intended for announcements of interest to PODC participants. These may be announcements of publications, employment opportunities, or events of interest.
For conferences and workshops, announcements are limited to the following: PODC (and conferences and workshops affiliated with PODC), AFT, ALGOSENSORS, DISC, ICALP, ICDCN, ICDCS, OPODIS, PPoPP, SIROCCO, SPAA, SSS, WOLA, SAND, HALG, PaPoC and ICDCIT. Persons posting for these conferences and workshops are requested to avoid, wherever possible, duplicate postings (including long series of deadline extensions).
For special journal issues, announcements are limited to those connected directly to PODC.
If your announcement is to publicize a conference or workshop not listed above or a special journal issue not directly connected to PODC, please use the PODC-RELATED list by posting to
Please do not post the same message to the PODC list and the PODC-RELATED list. It is expected that all subscribers to the PODC-RELATED list are also subscribed to the PODC list.
It is expected that traffic on the PODC list will be relatively light. The moderator of this list is Lewis Tseng.
Because this mailing list is supported by listserv software, you have the freedom to configure your subscription in a variety of ways. Look for (and save) email with the subject “You have been added to the PODC list”. It should give you instructions on how to customize your subscription. If you did not receive such a message, you can go to
Postings to this list are archived at the following URL: