Nineteenth ACM Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing
(PODC 2000)
July 16-19 2000, Portland, Oregon
PODC is a conference that focuses on research in the theory, design, specification
or implementation of distributed systems. PODC is sponsored by SIGACT
Major changes from previous PODCs
This year PODC especially encourages papers addressing distributed
computing issues in building and using middleware.
PODC 2000 will be run concert with a special
The Middleware Symposium has its own program committee and submission procedures.
Click here
for more information about the Middleware Symposium.
This year, accepted brief announcements will be presented
in the conference as short talks.
There will be no poster session this year.
This will be the first year at which the PODC
Influential-Paper Award will be presented. This year's Award
Committee comprises Jim Anderson (chair), Cynthia Dwork, Vassos
Hadzilacos, and Fred Schneider.
The 2000 PODC Influential-Paper Award was presented
Leslie Lamport.
There will be an election this year for chair of
the PODC Steering Committee.
There will be an election this year for a new position: member
of the PODC Steering Committee.
So, You're Coming to PODC 2000
Further information
This page is maintained by Gil Neiger (
Last edited April 16, 2001