Packet Mode and QoS Algorithms for Buffered Crossbar Switches with FIFO Queuing Alex Kesselman and Kirill Kogan and Michael Segal Flooding Time in Markov-Dynamic Graphs Andrea E.F. Clementi and Claudio Macci and Angelo Monti and Francesco Pasquale and Riccardo Silvestri Anti-Omega: the weakest failure detector for set agreement Piotr Zielinski Distributed Computation of the Mode Fabian Kuhn and Thomas Locher and Stefan Schmid On the Effect of the Deployment Setting on Broadcasting in Euclidean Radio Networks Yuval Emek and Erez Kantor and David Peleg Lower Bounds for Randomized Consensus under a Weak Adversary Hagit Attiya and Keren Censor VGuard: Collaborative Enforcement of Firewall Policies in Virtual Private Networks Alex X. Liu, and Fei Chen Optimizing Data Popularity Conscious Bloom Filters Ming Zhong and Pin Lu and Kai Shen and Joel Seiferas Tight Bounds for Delay Sensitive Aggregation Yvonne-Anne Oswald and Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer Distributed Algorithms for Ultrasparse Spanners and Linear Size Skeletons Seth Pettie Failure Detectors in Loosely Named Systems Yehuda Afek and Israel Nir Sublogarithmic Distributed MIS Algorithm for Sparse Graphs using Nash-Williams Decomposition Leonid Barenboim and Michael Elkin Improved Compact Routing Schemes for Dynamic Trees Amos Korman The Stretched Exponential Distribution of Internet Media Access Patterns Lei Guo and Enhua Tan and Songing Chen and Zhen Xiao and Xiaodong Zhang New Combinatorial Topology Upper and Lower Bounds for Renaming Armando Castaneda and Sergio Rajsbaum Timeliness-based wait-freedom: a gracefully degrading progress condition Marcos K. Aguilera and Sam Toueg The Forgiving Tree: A Self-Healing Distributed Data Structure Tom Hayes and Navin Rustagi and Jared Saia and Amitabh Trehan CAR-STM: Scheduling-Based Collision Avoidance and Resolution for Software Transactional Memory Shlomi Dolev and Danny Hendler and Adi Suissa On Tradeoff Between Network Connectivity, Phase Complexity and Communication Complexity of Reliable Communication Tolerating Mixed Adversary AashwinKumar B. V and Arpita Patra and Ashish Choudhary and Kannan Srinathan and C. Pandu Rangan A Log-Star Distributed Maximal Independent Set Algorithm For Growth Bounded Graphs Johannes Schneider and Roger Wattenhofer On the Complexity of Asynchronous Gossip Chryssis Georgiou and Seth Gilbert and Rachid Guerraoui and Dariusz R. Kowalski Virtual Infrastructure for Collision-Prone Wireless Networks Gregory Chockler and Seth Gilbert and Nancy A. Lynch On the Locality of Distributed Sparse Spanner Construction Bilel Derbel and Cyril Gavoille and David Peleg and Laurent Viennot Bounded Budget Connection (BBC) games or How to make friends and influence people, on a budget Nikolaos Laoutaris and Laura Poplawski and Rajmohan Rajaraman and Ravi Sundaram and Shang-Hua Teng Brahms: Byzantine Resilient Random Membership Sampling Edward Bortnikov and Maxim Gurevich and Idit Keidar and Gabriel Kliot and Alexander Shraer A Jamming-Resistant MAC Protocol for Single-Hop Wireless Networks Baruch Awerbuch and Andrea Richa and Christian Scheideler Secure Communication over Radio Channels Shlomi Dolev and Seth Gilbert and Rachid Guerraoui and Calvin Newport Randomized Consensus with O(n log n) Individual Work James Aspnes and Hagit Attiya and Keren Censor Sleeping on the Job: Energy-Efficient Reliable Broadcast for Radio Networks Valerie King and Cynthia Phillips and Jared Saia and Maxwell Young The Impact of Randomization in Smoothing Networks Marios Mavronicolas and Thomas Sauerwald On A Capacitated Multivehicle Routing Problem Xiaojie Gao and Leonard J. Schulman Asynchronous Exclusive Selection Bogdan S. Chlebus and Dariusz R. Kowalski Every Problem has a Weakest Failure Detector Prasad Jayanti and Sam Toueg Fast Self-stabilizing Byzantine Tolerant Digital Clock Synchronization Michael Ben-Or and Danny Dolev and Ezra N. Hoch OCD: Obsessive Consensus Disorder (or Repetitive Consensus) Danny Dolev and Ezra N. Hoch Efficient Distributed Approximation Algorithms via Probabilistic Tree Embeddings Maleq Khan and Fabian Kuhn and Dahlia Malkhi and Gopal Pandurangan and Kunal Talwar Efficient Randomised Broadcasting in Random Regular Networks with Applications in Peer-to-Peer Systems Petra Berenbrink and Robert Elsaesser and Tom Friedetzky Distributed Order Scheduling and its Application to Multi-Core DRAM Controllers Thomas Moscibroda and Onur Mutlu An Almost-Surely Terminating Polynomial Protocol for Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Resilience Ittai Abraham and Danny Dolev and Joseph Y. Halpern Sharing is harder than agreeing Carole Delporte and Hugues Fauconnier and Rachid Guerraoui Brief Announcements =================== Quantum Distributed Consensus Louis Helm On ad hoc routing with guaranteed delivery Mark Braverman A Tradeoff Analysis on Message Complexity and Lifetime Optimality for a Distributed Multicast Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks Song Guo and Victor Leung Looking for the Optimal Conditions for Solving Set Agreement Francois Bonnet, and Michel Raynal BMobi_Causal: A Causal Broadcast Protocol in Mobile Dynamic Groups Chafika BENZAID and Nadjib BADACHE Nearest-neighbor graphs on random point sets and their application to sensor networks Amitabha Bagchi and Sohit Bansal The Lotus-Eater Attack Ian A. Kash and Eric J. Friedman and Joseph Y. Halpern Correctness Criteria for Replicated Database Systems with Snapshot Isolation Replicas J.E. Armendariz-Inigo and J.R. Juarez-Rodriguez and J.R. Gonzalez de Mendivil and F.D. Munoz-Escoi Sliver: A Fast Distributed Slicing Algorithm Vincent Gramoli and Ymir Vigfusson and Ken Birman and Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Robert van Renesse Brief Announcement: Optimizing Consistency Checking for Memory-Intensive Transactions with DracoSTM Justin Gottschlich and Daniel A. Connors Greedy Distributed Optimization of Unsplittable Multi-Commodity Flows Baruch Awerbuch and Rohit Khandekar Scheduling Tasks with Dependencies on Asymmetric Multiprocessors: Energy & Time Efficiency Ioannis Chatzigiannakis and Georgios Giannoulis and Paul G. Spirakis >From anarchy to geometric structuring: the power of virtual coordinates Kermarrec A.-M. and Mostefaoui A. and Raynal M. and Tredan G. and Viana A. The Asynchronous Bounded-Cycle Model Peter Robinson and Ulrich Schmid Forget him and keep on moving Augustin Chaintreau and Pierre Fraigniaud and Emmanuelle Lebhar Brief announcement: A dynamic exchange game Laszlo Toka and Pietro Michiardi Anonymous and Censorship-resistant Content-sharing in Unstructured Overlays Michael Backes and Marek Hamerlik and Alessandro Linari and Matteo Maffei and Christos Tryfonopoulos and Gerhard Weikum Optimal Failure Detection with Low Sporadic Overhead and Communication Locality Alberto Lafuente and Mikel Larrea and Iratxe Soraluze and Roberto CortiÓ±as Extracting models from design documents with Mapster David James and Tim Leonard and John O'Leary and Murali Talupur and Mark R. Tuttle Model checking transactional memory with Spin John O'Leary and Bratin Saha and Mark R. Tuttle Balancing Energy Consumption for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks Haibo Zhang and Hong Shen On the Robustness of (Semi)Fast Quorum-Based Implementations of Atomic Shared Memory Chryssis Georgiou and Nicolas C. Nicolaou and Alexander A. Shvartsman Efficient Protocol for Single Phase Unconditionally Secure Message Transmission with Optimum Communication Complexity Kannan Srinathan and Ashish Choudhary and Arpita Patra and C. Pandu Rangan Dynamic Service Assignment in Next-Generation Mobile Networks: the MAGMA Approach Edward Bortnikov and Israel Cidon and Idit Keidar Online and Dynamic Embeddings of Approximate Ultrametrics Michael Dinitz Stateless Distributed Algorithms for Near Optimal Maximum Multicommodity Flow Baruch Awerbuch and Rohit Khandekar Our Brothers' Keepers: Secure Routing with High Performance Alex Brodsky Scheduling Sensors by Tiling Lattices Andreas Klappenecker and Hyunyoung Lee and Jennifer L. Welch Maximizing Quorum Availability in Multi-Clustered Systems Roman Vitenberg and Ricardo Jimenez-Peris Tight RMR Lower Bounds for Mutual Exclusion and Other Problems Hagit Attiya and Danny Hendler and Philipp Woelfel Mobile Proactive Secret Sharing. David Schultz and Barbara Liskov and Moses Liskov Distributed Averaging in the presence of a sparse cut Hariharan Narayanan Brief Announcement: Closing the Complexity Gap Between FCFS Mutual Exclusion and Mutual Exclusion Robert Danek and Wojciech Golab Dynamic Routing and Location Services in Metrics of Low Doubling Dimension Goran Konjevod and Andrea Richa and Donglin Xia Gossip-based aggregate computation: computing faster with non address-oblivious scheme Roberto Di Pietro and Pietro Michiardi Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems Sylvie Delaet and Stephane Devismes and Mikhail Nesterenko and Sebastien Tixeuil Wait-free Programming for General Purpose Computations on Graphics Processors Phuong Hoai Ha and Philippas Tsigas and Otto J. Anshus Principles of Untrusted Storage: A New Look at Consistency Conditions Christian Cachin and Idit Keidar and Alexander Shraer Fault-tolerant Implementations of Atomic Registers by Safe Registers in Networks Colette Johnen and Lisa Higham Distributed Churn Measurement for Arbitrary Networks V. Gramoli and A.-M. Kermarrec and E. Le Merrer Brief Announcement: Transactional Memory Retry Mechanisms Michael F. Spear and Andrew Sveikauskas and Michael L. Scott On the Internet Delay Space Dimensionality Bruno Abrahao and Robert Kleinberg Efficient Linear Pipeline Configuration in Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Environments Yi Gu and Qishi Wu and Mengxia Zhu and Nageswara S.V. Rao Power Management of Devices: When Should I Switch Off? Ajay Gulati